Read Acts 6: 8-15
Let's dissect a single verse, verse 8:
Now Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people.
Stephen is full of grace (many translations have faith) and power. There are 2 Greek words here:
pistis and dunamis. You know me, I love, love getting to the root of these words. Pistis means faith. It also refers to Christian doctrine – all that Christianity
stands for – the Gospel and especially reliance upon Christ for salvation. And it also means persuasion (to be persuaded, to come to trust).
Faith (pistis) is a gift from God, and not something that you can produce. There's a difference between belief and faith. Faith is "God's divine
persuasion" – and therefore different from human belief.
The Lord gives faith; it is the persuasion of His will (read 1st John 5:4).